The War Among Men
The War in the soul among these three needs led to the
rise of these three powers: the Kings, the Philosophers, and the Priests. These
three rulers each saw their own domain as the dominant one, and so fought with
the other two for the allegiance of the men. So, not long after the dawn of Man
and the rise of the powers, the War of the Powers began. Priests would denounce
the Truth of philosophers, and philosophers would mock the Mystery of the
priests. The kings, fearing the power of them both, would have them censored or
punished or killed. In exchange, the Philosophers would tell the people of the
Righteousness of rebellion, and the Priests would excite their passions to
For most of history, this War was a Cold War, with the Kings
content to rule in their palaces, the Philosophers to ponder in their huts, and
the Priests to celebrate in their temples. As their domains were often
non-overlapping, each had dominion over some part of most men. The same man
would pay his taxes, feast in the temple, and often unconsciously, believe the
philosopher. Each power would rarely risk this to make a grab at more power.
The War smoldered for long forgotten centuries, occasionally
flaring up in rebellions or conquests, with no hope of peace. Finally, a man
came who saw a way of reconciliation. His name was Plato, and he suggested Philosopher-Kings,
men who would be both pragmatic and govern by Truth. Plato never got a chance
to try it out himself as nobody trusted him to run a kingdom. But Akhenaten,
King of Egypt, did try it when he attempted to usurp the priesthood with his
philosophy of a singular God, Aten. Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor, was a
Stoic philosopher, and studied Plato himself. Confucius, perhaps as
close as the world has ever come to a philosopher-king, built a rational and incredibly pragmatic
system. Siddhartha, perhaps noblest of all, renounced his own
kingdom and lived the model life of the philosopher. But Akhenaten’s sterile
monotheism did not satisfy the hunger for Mystery, and the priesthood was
thrust back into power after his death. Marcus Aurelius’ philosophy, true as it
may have been, was impotent; in the end, he wrote his thoughts in private and in public, surrendered to popular enthusiasms. Confucius’ codes could not speak with authority as
from Heaven, and the hunger for Mystery had to be satisfied with other systems.
Buddhism came very close, but either sacrificed Mystery for Truth (Theravada)
or Truth for Mystery (Mahayana), with the full benefits of either system reaped
only by those few who could endure monasticism. In the end, none of these were
able to achieve a broad alliance in these domains.
And so the War raged on in the two theaters: in the soul of
man, and in public. It was a war of perfect and terrible balance, one without
hope for end or peace. The hungers were fixed from the birth of man; the powers
grew out of these. If one was killed and the flag dropped, the human hunger
would pick it up immediately. And so the king in his palace, the priest in his
temple, and the prophet in his hut battled one another for the affections and
attention of mankind.
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